Thursday, September 20, 2012

the Killing

I've survived the Killing.

I thought no gossip could ever touch me. But for some days, it did. Maybe because I wasn't the only one concerned. I lost control over some situation and I really do hate that.

People wanting to hurt someone, I don't get it.
People might want to hurt when they are deeply jealous. But jealous of what? My life? really? I don't get it.

I don't even know who really wanted to hurt me but it's been a success.
I'm done with it but won't forget it.

In that collage, I've been about every character behind the iron bars. Today I am the pink haired one, on the top left :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How are you doing?

I am doing ok. That's all I can say.

Moving sands has become my homeland. I deserve a crown, well... I think.
Royalty suits my dreams.

Sometimes these moving sands background lights my fire to go beyond my own limits, sometimes it scares me, and I feel petrified.

But I have a lighthouse in my life.

A lighthouse in the shape of 2 wonderfull kids holding their kitties in their arms.

That makes such a difference. That makes everything.

Value on blood and sweat

Suddenly I realized I hadn't put any price for my paintings (for my 2 months' exhibition).
Art and biz ... what a mess!

So people there can get me on their walls if they can afford at least 150 euros... lol. I'm just expensive!

Kitty moment

Done! Satan and Morphine are like mother and daughter!It's just so good to see that new feline pair getting on so well. They sleep together, play together, fight against each other.

Morphine is SO expressive, i'm not used to that.
She really comes to me for cuddles.
She mews to talk to me with her big eyes opened. She tries to lick my face whenever she feels sweet.

She's not just and angel though!
She steals food whenever she can, then hides it in the washing machine...

 Today she's stolen a sponge, can't find it anymore and she has put another one into pieces. Oh she's having fun!


The kids are back at school, and I am back at my divorce.
God it sucks.

My ex has asked to meet me to "discuss". The idea is honourable, to avoid talking through lawyers.

But why do I feel like a lamb close to a vulture?
Do I exaggerate?
I really hope so.

If only I could avoid meeting a man who's been my husband for years and only want to take me out of his life now.

I just don't want to spend a minute with this man I don't know anymore.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

The day after the Blue Moon's lullaby

Cocorosie-Lemonade par piasfrance

Not a Boy toy, but pretty close!

In a week I played with myself, rather my lil toys, pretty often.
From a beautiful never failing BB (blackberry), I switched to a sexy samsung nexus, to finally reach heaven with the Devil. Yeah, that tells a lot. ;-)

I swear I resisted a LOT before joining the Apple sect. The toy is... simply better, I could compare and can't deny it.. * shrugging*

Now I am waiting for my goodie, a custom made leather protection. I hesitated (not for long) between two designs (from the same God artist):

Oops, where is my mind?

My paintings should already be on the walls of that big art shop. But I had completely forgotten about it!

Showing my paintings for 2 months with publicity on some website, that is cool. But shit, I forgot.
Gotta fix that by Monday.

Which painting shall I show (tiny space)? .. Hm, Lola and I fixed that while roasting in the sun earlier today.
How will I carry and fix them? I count on my two devils to help me. That's kinda fun. We make a great team.

There should be this one, and a dozen of others.

Life is so busy for me, it's hard to focus! :)

Neighbours (aka The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)

I live in a village, part of a big city, where some people find it hard to say hello. Even people that you know since ages.
I can't explain why. Human nature full of pride and prejudice.

I am very out of the circle of people ignoring... life in its most simple shape.

But then, out of that circle, my lil village is actually  full of wonderful individuals

I've just spent such a good time at my neighbours'. Simple, full of care and tenderness.
My kind of Human nature.