Thursday, September 20, 2012

the Killing

I've survived the Killing.

I thought no gossip could ever touch me. But for some days, it did. Maybe because I wasn't the only one concerned. I lost control over some situation and I really do hate that.

People wanting to hurt someone, I don't get it.
People might want to hurt when they are deeply jealous. But jealous of what? My life? really? I don't get it.

I don't even know who really wanted to hurt me but it's been a success.
I'm done with it but won't forget it.

In that collage, I've been about every character behind the iron bars. Today I am the pink haired one, on the top left :)


  1. I've no idea what your pain or post is about, but it sounds nasty... The collage is a good way to represent that feeling though. Pink haired???

  2. it was pretty nasty, and I really did not see it coming. Pink haired ? yes the woman on top left is :)
    I haven't used art often to get rid of pain of express it, but it's truly helpful :)
