Thursday, October 11, 2012

Human Misery

It's been a week I won't forget at work.

I'm confronted (not directly but as a close witness) to violence and deep human pain. I do admire my colleagues who make so many efforts despite the frustration (of not being able to help most of the people who come to us).

When I leave work, I do not, I can't.. feel *light*.
Friends are really helpful here.

I hope one day I meet someone who'll bring me tenderness and comfort and dreams when I come back home.
But I'm so closed to deep relationship. So dry. I've built a wall, no doubt.
I really should start to break it..


  1. It's a normal reaction to protect yourself. The walls will come down when you meet the right person. And I hope you meet him in the near future, when you are ready.

    I've just trusted someone and been hurt. But you know what ? It's ok. Because splitting up with my son's dad was the worst thing that could happen (because we havea son).

    Nothing is going to hurt me the way THAT hurt me.

    1. Just reading your words feels like a caress ... friends, you, is being so helpful <3
