Monday, November 5, 2012

Blessed (very short) moment

My babes are back to me today.
We started the day with Frankenweenie, a restaurant, waflles later, games together, cooking with Loup, movie in the evening.

We all needed that very much.

I can breathe again :)

I wish I had holidays with them, but I can't yet... it's been so long. I wish they could sleep in the morning, but instead I gotta take them in their holiday camp (which happens to be in their own school).

One day I'll take a lil revenge on life, because well it's been a bitch lately!
Not complaining though,
I'm the happiest mama, surrounded with perfect friends.


  1. J'espère bien que tu prendra ta revanche sur cette période pas trop glop et t'envoie de grosses bises

    1. ouais franchement j'espère un jour... et j'attrape tes gros becs au passage, ça fait tellement, tellement de bien :)))
